
History of the Alps Study Centre - LabiSAlp

The Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi (History of the Alps Study Centre, LabiSAlp) grew out of the Istituto di storia delle Alpi (ISAlp), which was founded in 2000 by the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) and the International Association for Alpine History (IAAH). In January 2006, it moved to its new accommodation at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio. The LabiSAlp’s main focus is the alpine space, in its economic, social, cultural, demographic, and political aspects. The research interest concerns both its endogenous historical dynamics and its interactions and exchange with the extra-alpine world.

The LabiSAlp is located in a linguistic, cultural and political border area, which mirrors and confirms its mission: building links and promoting cooperation between interested scholars, universities and centres of historical research in all the countries of the alpine arc. Moreover, its affiliation to the Academy of Architecture helps generate synergies for research on the territory.

Housing the International Association for Alpine History secretariat, LabiSAlp is responsible for coordinating the programme of this Association, as well as the publication of the annual journal "Histoire des Alpes-Storia delle Alpi-Geschichte der Alpen“.