
Natural asset in the Alps. Social and environmental sustainability of community in the past

Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi

Data d'inizio: 17 settembre 2014

Data di fine: 20 settembre 2014

Forum Alpinum 2014

Panel at Forum Alpinum 2014

Panel organiser prof. Luigi Lorenzetti (AISA - LabiSAlp) / prof. Luca Mocarelli (AISA - University of Milan, Bicocca)

Natural asset in the Alps. Social and environmental sustainability of community in the past

Throughout history, the Alpine environment presented man and his activities with specific problems and challenges, forging a peculiar relationship with him. Moreover, there has been a historical presence of characteristic – and especially collective – forms of natural resource management, combined with a relatively important presence of public authorities aiming to protect and preserve natural resources, but also to maintain a monopoly over them. The selected interpretation key proposed to the participants of the workshop will be social and environmental sustainability of various forms of natural resource management in the Alpine area by distinguishing between community, individual and public forms of management. The workshop will consider some typologies of natural resources of special importance in the Alpine area (water, forest, pasture and ore) and some historical period, from modern age to the XX century.


The workshop, to be held in the second session (The use of Alpine resources from past to present) is divided in two stages. The first one (45 min.) includes 3 presentations that show some historic ways of managing natural resources in the Alpine arch by providing several examples, taking into account several political and socio-economic contexts, both local and regional.  The second part (45 min.) will feature a debate in which 3 speakers and 3 chairmen will delve deeper into: 1) historical knots in the management of natural resources taking into account different political and socio-economic pathways over the past 2 centuries; 2) the relationship between social and environmental sustainability, highlighting common and diverging traits.


The workshop will provide an opportunity to highlight where there is an historic continuity or a break in the different ways of managing natural resources in the Alpine area, from the point of view of local and national scale analysis. This also means to open up a dialogue which highlights the complex relationship between local self-government and other forms of control and regulation from high above, taking the historic perspective as a starting point.


Aleksander Panjek (University of Primorska)

Paolo Tedeschi (University of Milan, Bicocca)

Marco Conedera (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Bellinzona)

Patrik Krebs (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Bellinzona)

Mark Bertogliati (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Bellinzona)

Claudio Lorenzini (University of Udine)