
Valais research grant

Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi

Since 1991, the Centre régional d'études des populations alpines (CREPA), based in Sembrancher (Valais), has been developing human and social sciences research and socio-cultural projects on Alpine societies, particularly in the Entremont, Trient and Fully valleys. CREPA was created by an association of municipalities and is one of the research institutes supported by the Canton of Valais. With the aim of strengthening its research axis and promoting the humanities and social sciences in the Valais, CREPA, with the support of the State of Valais, invites applications for a grant from a researcher who has completed compulsory and/or secondary education in the Valais or who has strong links with the canton. The grant will provide access to a 20% research assistant position at CREPA for a period of two years (2025-26).