
Spazi locali e livelli di potere tra medioevo ed età moderna - Local Spaces and Levels of Power between the Middle Ages and Modern Period

Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi

Start date: 27 April 2023

End date: 28 April 2023

Studying local spaces and levels of power between the Middle Ages and the modern age constitutes a privileged way to rethink the local context, whether rural or urban, alpine or lowland. This is not, of course, to reject a priori traditional perspectives on the relations between state and communes and between church and parishes, but, rather, to restore to the local context the vibrancy and dynamism that characterize it. Borrowing then a happy and effective expression coined to reconstruct the complexity of the debate on micro-history, games of scale will also be placed at the center of reflection here, with the aim of asking new questions about the relationship between local and supralocal and rethinking, even reversing the perspective, the relations between center and periphery.