
CfP: Conflicts of use in the Alpine region since 1970 / Nutzungskonflikte im Alpenraum seit 1970

Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi

In the Alpine region, demands of use have always met and continue to meet, as it has had to fulfil the most diverse functions: The Alps have already been utilized as a rooftop garden, playground, water castle, and pass-through house of Europe, whereby the demands on the mountains in the areas of ecology, tourism, economy, and transport are evident here. While these requirements were mainly due to extra-Alpine needs, the demands of the inner-Alpine population, for whom the Alps served as a living, cultural and economic area, were also evident. However, the conflicts of use cannot only be located between inner and extra-Alpine demands, but also within these groups different interests collided. The Alps represented a common good which was subject to most diverse ecological, economic, social and cultural demands. In this context, the Alps should not be understood as a purely geographically defined region in Europe, but as a discursive space in which processes of appropriation, forms of belonging and ownership were negotiated. In addition, the numerous conflicts of use were related to competing concepts for the development of the Alpine region, which also included power claims.

The conference will focus on conflicts of use in the Alps since 1970, which, according to the initial thesis, have developed against the background of and in close interaction with an ecologization, Europeanisation and regionalization of the Alpine arc. Contributions are requested in the following areas:
- Tourism
- Traffic
- Energy
- Nature conservation
- Agriculture and forestry
- Culture

Both dense regional case studies and (cross-)alpine observations are welcome. Even if the Alps are the geographical reference point, contributions to other European mountain regions are also possible, as long as they compare or link to the Alps. Papers from history and related disciplines are welcome.

If you are interested, please send an abstract of max. 500 words (German or English) as well as a short CV until 31.05.2020 to

Successful applicants are requested to submit a paper of their contribution to the extent of 30.000-40.000 characters by 15.03.2021. Conference languages are English and German; papers can also be submitted in French and Italian. It is planned to publish the contributions in volume 27 (2022) of "History of the Alps".

The conference is organized by the FWF-DACH project "Issues with Europe. A Network Analysis of the German-speaking Alpine Conservation Movement (1975-2005)" and will take place on 21.04.-23.04.2021 at the University of Innsbruck. Costs on site and for travelling by train will be covered.

Maria Buck
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie
Universität Innsbruck
A-6020 Innsbruck