
Book presentation: "Migrazioni verticali"

Laboratorio di storia delle Alpi

Date: 26 September 2024 / 05:21

Today, the pressure of climate change on overheating and polluted cities is making the widespread desire to move to the mountains, either permanently or for long periods of the year, even more apparent. Verticality thus enters into these new forms of human mobility. So who are the "vertical migrants" and who will they be in the near future? With a transdisciplinary approach - from sociology to climatology, economic geography and environmental sciences - and on the basis of original scientific data, this edited volume attempts to profile the different categories of people who are being pushed into the mountains. While mountains are attracting new inhabitants, they are also becoming fragile: landslides, extreme events, land abandonment, droughts, ageing local populations. The mountain will not save us, therefore, unless the cities first help it to save itself, to regain its role as an ecosystem on an equal footing with the plains, within new forms of equilibrium.

Andrea Membretti (co-author)
(Pavia University)
Gianni Tartari (co-author)
(European Climate Pact Ambassador)
Marco Modica
(Associate Professor in Applied Economics at GSSI)
Mauro Varotto
(Professor of Geography Università of Padua)